Saturday, January 01, 2011

Long time, no blog

After WorldCon, I had planned to get my blog in order and try to use it more. My plan was to post something once a week.

Well, that clearly went out the window.

In my defence, I've had a lot on my plate of late. Just before Christmas we moved house. The whole process took a huge amount of resources - time as well as physical and mental energy.

Then Christmas.

On top of that, I've been trying to get some prep done for 'grant year', as well as get an entry together for One Book Many Brisbanes.

Now that grant year has begun, I'm planning to document the process to some extent. I think it will be useful to myself, and also will come in handy at the end of the year, when I've got an acquittal to hand in.

(For those who don't already know, I've received an Australia Council grant to help me work on Skin Deep, a paranormal thriller set in Brisbane)

Posted via email from garykemble's posterous

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