Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Books based on video games

I was out at Mary Ryan's in Milton today when I saw the book version of Assassin's Creed II.

Initially, I thought, that's cool, thinking that it's a good way of attracting people who aren't into books (video games must be a massive 'time sink', particularly for kids).

But then I thought, what's the attraction of a book, when you've already got access to a world where you're in control?

Maybe the appeal is that books based on video games take the story in different directions, or reveal elements of back story that are only hinted at in the games themselves.

Is it the same as the Star Wars books, which have a life of their own, independent of the success or otherwise of the films?

OR, is it just a cynical ploy to get money out of people who MUST own EVERY item associated with a particular franchise. :)

I don't know. What do you think?

Leave a comment or tweet me.

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